At AYTM, we rely on strong partnerships across Europe and Asia in order to produce high quality products in cooperation with highly skilled and experienced manufactures. For us it is of utmost importance to have good relations to our partners and we therefore always seek to establish long-lasting partnerships, that are build on mutual respect and clearly defined terms and conditions laid out in our supplier trade terms and supplier code of conduct.
We believe that good craftsmanship is just as important as quality in design and the choice of materials. Many of our products involve manual processes or are handmade, which demand special skills and expertise. Our producers are therefore important partner and we always seek specialized manufacturers to achieve the best quality possible.

At AYTM, we are committed to source responsible, meaning that our products should be produced in a socially and environmentally responsible way. For this we are a member of amfori, a global business association bringing together retailers, importers, brands and national associations to enhance social and environmental sustainability in their supply chain.
We participate in the amfori Business Social Compliance Initiative also called BSCI which is based on an audit scheme of a common Code of Conduct setting requirements for good working conditions including decent working hours and fair pay, health and safety standards, no child labour or discrimination. The BSCI audit helps us monitor our supply chain and ensure social compliance.