Contact us
We are here for you and look forward to receiving your call or email.
If you have inquiries about our webshop or your online order: shop@aytm.dk
For any general inquiries or PR inquiries: contact@aytm.dk
In case of any problems regarding you delivered order, we are pleased to assist you.
Send your e-mail to claim@aytm.dk.
To assist you in best possible way, please include problem specifications
and pictures in your e-mail.
If you are an existing customer and have inquiries about your order, please write to: order@aytm.dk, ordercn@aytm.dk for Chinese customers, or contact your responsible agent.
If you wish to become our customer, contact us on inquiry@aytm.dk
Are you looking for an expert on sales within your market? We have agents
around the world who would love to hear from you.